Kellaher, O' Ceileachair, Keliher.   The name Kelleher is the English version of the Irish, O’ Ceileachair – meaning "overly fond of ones wife" The original Céileachar...
Kelly Clan Aran Throw  The Kelly Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Kelly heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Kelly name for generations to...
Kelley, Kelly, O’ Kelley, O’ Kelly, Ó Ceallaigh.   Kelly is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Ceallaigh, based on the personal name...
O’ Kennedy, Ó Cinnéide.  Kennedy Clan Aran Throw  The Kennedy Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Kennedy heritage proudly resides...
O’ Kennedy, Ó Cinnéide.   Kennedy is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Cinnéide, meaning ‘ugly-headed’. The clan homeland was near Killaloe...
O’ Kenney, O’ Kenny, O’ Kinney, Ó Cionnaith. Kenny Clan Aran Throw  The Kenny Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein...
O’ Kenney, O’ Kenny, O’ Kinney, Ó Cionnaith.   The name Kenny comes from the personal name Cionaodh. It was borne by a high king of Ireland seems to...
O Longaigh, O Longáin. Long Clan Aran Throw The Long Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Long heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by...
The two native Gaelic surnames O’ Longáin and O Longaigh have both been anglicised to Long. It is likely that both names derive from the Gaelic word ‘long’ meaning ship,...
Lynch Clan Aran Throw  The Lynch Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Lynch heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Lynch name for...
Linch, Linchey, Lynchehan, Lynchy, O’ Lynch, O’ Lynche, O’ Lynchy, de Lynch, Ó Loingsigh.     Lynch as it exists today in...
Mac Aodh, Mac Gee, Mac Kee, Mc Gee, Mc Kee. Magee Clan Aran Throw  The Magee Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Magee heritage proudly...