Mc Grath Clan Sweater

Mac Grath, Mac Raith, MacGraw, Magra, Magraith, Magrath, Magraw, Mc Grath.
Mac Raith comes from the Gaelic word “raith”, which means ‘ grace’ or ‘prosperity’. There were two different septs of this clan. The first was located in the region of counties Donegal and Fermanagh and was the hereditary guardian of St. Daveog’s monastery in Lough Derg. The second sept was located in the regions of counties Clare and Limerick where they were poets for the Kings of Thomond. The name is among the 100 most numerous in Ireland, and is common particularly in counties Tyrone, Tipperary and Waterford.

The hand knit Mc Grath sweater has an unusual braided basket stitch centre panel, flanked by honeycomb rope, and blackberry panels on either side. The basket stitch is a wish for a full catch for the fisherman, the honeycomb stands for work and the blackberry stitch represents the Holy Trinity. This beautiful Aran sweater has been hand knitted in the traditional báinín (pronounced ‘baw neen’) colour, the natural white of the wool. It comes to you complete with a clan history and crest. It is made of 100% merino wool, is water repellent and breathable. It has been hand crafted in the traditional Irish style, and, with care, will last a lifetime.


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